
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
We all have insecurities, but why tho?
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Kass and Steve are talking insecurities in this episode. What is success? What is beauty? Who decides what those are?
Insecurity is something we all struggle with. It can feel like you are dragging around a giant weight. Sometimes our insecurities can stem from a comment someone made. The problem is that people say a lot of stupid things. Chances are that the person who made a rude comment has NO idea they have scarred you. We give that comment power, and wear it like a chain, but don’t have to...

Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Staying Fit While Traveling
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Wednesday Jul 10, 2019
Kass and Steve are world travelers, and usually while traveling we tend to take a break from our fitness routines and healthy eating. But, when you have a travel schedule like Kass and Steve, you need to figure out how to stay fit on the go.
Kass and Steve are here to help! Deciding you are going to go to the gym the next day will get you in the right mindset. Laying out your clothes the night before and having them ready will help keep you motivated. Working out first thing in the morning is helpful. Finding a gym close to you or using the hotel gym will make sure you don’t have any excuses.
It can be hard to stay on the right track with your diet while you are traveling. Kass and Steve tell us what they do when they are cornered with a buffet and endless options. Don’t forget to eat a lot of color!
Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking places instead of driving, and stretching to increase your flexibility will help maintain and increase your fitness level and healthy lifestyle!

Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Communication: Part 2
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Wednesday Jul 03, 2019
Sometimes, society puts people in boxes. Whether that’s ethnicity, body type, sexual orientation, etc. People tend to think that their box that they belong to makes the world go round. But people that are different from you aren’t actually a danger to you. Kass and Steve have met people from all over the world and what they have found out is, people are the same.
People are people and everybody has their problems. Kass and Steve both
share when they were going through difficult times in their life and how people communicating with them helped them realize they weren’t alone or entirely different from other people that had been through something similar.
Realizing that someone might not know how to communicate will also make communicating with them easier. Using “I” statements helps you feel control of your own situation and how you help solve your problems. Kass goes into more detail on how to use this communication technique.

Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Communication: Part 1
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Kass and Steve are here talking about communication, and how different types can affect us as people.
Sometimes, society puts people in boxes. Whether that’s ethnicity, body type, sexual orientation, etc. People tend to think that their box that they belong to makes the world go round. But people that are different from you aren’t actually a danger to you. Kass and Steve have met people from all over the world and what they have found out is, people are the same.
People are people and everybody has their problems. Kass and Steve both
share when they were going through difficult times in their life and how people communicating with them helped them realize they weren’t alone or entirely different from other people that had been through something similar.

Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Insider Travel Tips from the Pros: Part 2
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Kass and Steve are back with more travel tips, and we are glad they are spilling more travel tricks with us! From booking hotels to packing a small suitcase, Kass and Steve know all the ways to make you successful for any trip. Did you know that when you book through a secondhand website for a hotel, that the hotel loses a percentage? It’s true! We tell you all about how to book through a hotel with a killer deal, and also how to gain perks from booking!
Kass and Steve have had plenty of practice packing for any situation. There are small gadgets that everyone can use to make their packing more efficient and more practical. You can even get your daily vitamins into a travel efficient system, and ease the stress of packing pill bottles and taking up extra room.

Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Insider Travel Tips from the Pros: Part 1
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Kass and Steve have been have traveling extensively for many, many years. They have seen it all and sometimes it can be huge source of stress. Don’t let the the nuts and bolts of travel ruin the fun of a trip. In part 1 of this series Kass and Steve discuss picking airlines, frequent flyers, getting upgrades, booking tickets, picking seats, how to dress, and products that can really help on those long flights.

Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Who is the Man Behind the Curtain?
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Kass’ husband Brian fills in for Steve on this episode. Brian works constantly with Kass and Steve behind the scenes. You’ve seen him on Kass’ Instagram feed, but today Kass and Brian talk about what its like to work together, how they manage the crazy travel and what it’s like being married to Kass Martin.
You CAN create the lifestyle you want! Kass and Brian are the living proof that self improvement and confidence are the biggest keys to success.

Wednesday May 29, 2019
Don’t Judge: You May Not Know the Facts
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Do you ever read a text or email and assume the tone is negative? Or see someone laugh in your direction and assume they are talking about you? We often project our own insecurities into a situation and assume the worst, when we really do not have enough facts to judge. Be aware that sometimes written words may not portray the emotion of the sender, and may be received with filter of insecurity. Everyone has their own truth. The way we see the world is our truth, and it may be different from someone else’s truth.

Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wake Up With Purpose
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Let’s talk mornings. Are you someone who wakes up with a skip in their step? Or are you not to be bothered?
Regardless if you think you you’re a morning person or not, waking up and having a routine in place can be vital to how the rest of your day goes. No matter what, when you wake up is still the start of your day. It sets the temperature for how the rest of your day is going to go.
Maybe you hate waking up because the sound of your alarm makes you cringe, but you just know you won’t be able to wake up to something more pleasant. Truth is, you can and you will. Try setting your alarm to a song that instantly puts a smile on your face and gets your mood and mindset in the right direction. We have our favorite wake up songs, what are yours?

Wednesday May 15, 2019
What do You See in the Mirror?
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Wednesday May 15, 2019
How many times a day do you look in the mirror? What
are you thoughts when you do?
Does your mind start going towards the negative? Do you tell yourself that your hair is, skin, body, clothes, etc. aren't good enough? Do positive thoughts about yourself appear after the negative ones have made their way into your mind? Have you ever stopped to wonder what you see when you look in the mirror is not what your best friend thinks when they see you?
When you start telling yourself the negative things, figure out where they came from in the first place. Why did this thought start? There are so many limiting self beliefs that can make themselves known even in grade school. Watch your thoughts when something doesn’t go right, watch where those thoughts spin. Where did that come from? Why live this long with those thoughts when you can change your mindset on how you see yourself? It is such a freeing way to live!