
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Working Out is Hard for Us Too
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
You read that right. Contrary to popular belief, they don’t love to work out. With Zumba Fitness, their job had forced them to stay in shape and ‘embrace the suck’ that can be working out everyday.
In this episode Kass and Steve rewind time to talk about their journey to become fitness Guru’s and how unlikely it was for both of them. They talk about what sports they played as children and the attitudes that helped them to become some of the best in the industry.
Surprise!!!! Setting realistic goals and having some form of accountability are the hallmarks of fitness success. (Boring, I know) But it works, and it's the ONLY way it works long term.
They LOVE Zumba because its so much fun. It’s exercise in disguise. Tell us what you do for a fun workout. Kass and Steve have a YouTube channel! Tune in to watch them record their podcasts, and get in on the fun!

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Tales From the Crypt
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
This episode is just as crazy fun as Kass and Steve are! Get ready to laugh, folks!
In this episode, Kass and Steve take a trip down memory lane and re-visit some of the zany things that have happened to them. They are calling it “Tales from the Crypt”, because the vault is open and they are sharing the best of the best. Listen as they talk about funny things that have happened to them in their lives and why it’s important to laugh at yourself.
Kass and Steve have their own experiences and things that have happened to them together, but through it all they laugh. They remind us that it’s ok to laugh at ourselves and that it makes life better. Not taking things too seriously and always knowing that through a crazy experience it always makes for a good story later.
Follow along on Youtube to see exclusive behind the scenes footage and
pictures from Kass and Steve.
Get more information on www.thefunroad.com

Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wake Up with a Pep in Your Step
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
How do you wake up in the morning? Would you call yourself a morning person?
Kass and Steve are talking about how you wake up in the morning and how that impacts your day. How you start your day can determine the whole outcome of your attitude throughout the day. It’s a mind shift from thinking you aren’t a morning person to saying you are and believing it. Thoughts create your feelings and your feelings create your actions.
Kass and Steve are breaking down their morning routines, and explaining how they get into their morning mindset. Steve explains how even getting into routine the night before a big morning can help improve the routine for the next day.
Kass and Steve have a YouTube channel! Tune in to watch them record their podcasts, and get in on the fun!

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Question & Answer: Part 2
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
It’s part 2 of Kass and Steve taking your questions!
This episode Kass and Steve are finishing up answering the questions that you guys asked. They are still as candid and funny as ever as they recall how they became such good friends, where it all began, and how they maintain that friendship. It was a match made in heaven, and the rest is history!
Kass and Steve dive deeper into their connection, and how important it is to find people that want the same things you do. Which leads them into the question of how they met their partners? All the juicy details are here in this episode! Who doesn't love a good love story? Sparks fly in this episode!
Tune in for the final conclusion of question and answer with Kass and Steve. And remember you can catch them on their YouTube channel! See what they are really doing behind the scenes

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Question & Answer: Part 1
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Kass and Steve are taking questions and answering them for you guys!
On this episode, Kass and Steve are answering the questions that everyone wants to know. And like always, they are being candid and open about their answers. They are talking about their favorite thing to do, down to the least favorite thing. And you’ll be happy to know that their answers are probably your answers as well!
Kass and Steve prove once again that they are just like everybody else. They have their pet peeves, their flaws, and their hard times that they have overcome. They don’t hold anything back. Which is why we love them!
Tune in for this weeks part one episode for the first series of questions and
answers. And don't forget you can also watch it on their YouTube channel! See what they are really doing behind the scenes.

Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
The Art of Visualization: Part 2
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Kass and Steve are here talking more about visualization.
Have you ever been driving in your car and you are running late? And you start to spiral into every red light you’re going to hit, or the upcoming traffic that you know is there? When in reality, you don’t know if any of these things are true. You are just visualizing all the bad things that could
happen instead of the opposite.
You actually have the power to visualize what you want out of life. Something as small as driving in the car can be a great starting point into learning how to visualize better outcomes. You need to think of solutions before you ever think of other problems that may or may not happen.
Kass and Steve talk about how visualize different circumstances pays off for them in the long run. They have all the tips and tricks, so why wouldn’t you want to listen? And don't forget, tune into their YouTube channel to see the filming in real time!

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Being Perfect VS Being Authentic
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
What does being perfect mean to you? What about being authentic? Can you tell the difference?
Do you find yourself always chasing the idea of perfection and failing? When you have grand expectations of what you think life is supposed to be, you leave room for disappointment. Kass and Steve explain how they fall short meeting other peoples expectations when it comes to being perfect. They have a new idea for you: The idea of perfectionism should be swapped with the idea of being authentic.
Listen as Kass & Steve talk about the differences between being perfect and being authentic. Authentic means you embrace all parts of your personality. You are true to who you are. Don’t let other people decide what your authentic self should be. Only you can be you!
The key is to live as good of a life whatever good means to you. We are not allowing ourselves to be free when you chase the idea of perfect. What might be perfect for someone else might not be perfect for you. We are created different for a reason.
Don’t forget! Kass & Steve have a YouTube channel! Tune in to watch them record their podcasts, and get in on the fun!

Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Guess what?? Kass & Steve have a YouTube channel where you can watch them as they record their weekly podcast. Check it out at The Fun Road YouTube
This week Kass & Steve are talking about consistency. If you decide to do something, you stick with it. That is the only way to get results in life. Momentum is consistency’s reward to you. Once you have momentum, there is very little that can stop you from reaching your dreams.
Listen as Kass & Steve talk about areas in their life that they are succeeding and struggling with consistency.

Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Big Sister Love
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
The moment you’ve all been waiting for! Kass sits down with her sister, Emily!
On this episode, Kass sits down with her older sister Emily. You’ve probably seen her on Kass’s instagram, or heard Kass refer to her as “the hair”, but today she is talking about what it’s like to be the big sister of Kass Martin. They talk about their relationship and how they got to be so close even though they are six years apart.
Kass asks Emily about where she gets her positivity, how Kass influenced her to start teaching fitness classes, and how Emily was her cheerleader when Kass gave birth to her kids. Emily has five kids herself, so she knows what she is talking about!
They recall stories about hard times and when they had to lean on each other for moral support, and how they can turn any sad moment into a funny one. Emily loves to be a positive influence in her daily life, and talks about the health challenges she runs. Follow her on instagram! You won’t be disappointed. And maybe, just maybe, she will let you in on her hair secrets!

Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Dinner with Kass and Steve
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
What do you talk about at the dinner table?
Kass and Steve invite you to one of their after dinner conversations in this weeks episode. After dinner, they like to chit chat as friends and colleagues. They talk about people in their lives, their relationships, their job, priorities, just to name a few subjects.
This weeks dinner conversation is prioritization. How to shift goals towards a different career path or something broader. Kass and Steve talk about why people can be afraid to grow in their endeavors and why it can be scary.
Kass and Steve take turns asking each other questions, including what their biggest character flaw is. Yes, even Kass and Steve have their flaws!
On this episode, you really get the vibe like you’re sitting down with a friend for dinner and the feeling that you are getting to know your friends. When was the last time you had dinner with a friend? Maybe it’s time to give them a call and set a dinner date! You’ll be pleasantly surprised where the conversation takes you.