
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
The Art of Progress
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
This week Kass and Steve are talking about the Art of Progress and make a big announcement about The Fun Road.
Kass and Steve dive into this episode talking about how successful people only take one successful step forward every day. You should pick one thing you want to focus on, and what you can do to make an issue shrink so it leaps you into progression instead of perfection. Progression is more important than perfection. So, when you’re looking at passive action, it takes a lot of time but it isn’t pushing you like active action does.
The power of progress is so important in improving your life, and Kass and Steve have a special surprise that goes along with this principal! You will need to listen to the podcast to hear what the surprise is, but you don’t want to miss it. All the details are in this episode.
Want to see what is happening live? Kass and Steve have a YouTube channel! Tune in to watch them record their podcasts, and get in on the fun!

Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Taking an Inventory of Your Life
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Have you taken an inventory of your life lately?
On this week's episode, Kass and Steve are talking about where they want to be in ten years from now and taking an inventory of your life right now to get to that point. Taking an inventory can mean a lot of different
things. What do you have right now? What are you missing? What do you need more of? There are lots of different ways to figure this out for your life and your situation, you just need to find the one that works for you.
Maybe you want to be out of debt, maybe you want to travel a certain number of times, maybe you want to advance your education or improve your relationships. Taking an inventory means that you check what you have and how you can improve those things, not throw them away. Kass and Steve ask each other where they want to be in ten years, and the answers may surprise you.
Take an inventory, write it down, and start making it happen for you! And Kass and Steve have us on the edge of our seats with a special announcement coming up, so don't forget to tune in weekly to find out!
Follow along on Youtube to see exclusive behind the scenes footage and
pictures from Kass and Steve.

Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
If You Could Turn Back Time
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
If you could turn back time and undo one thing, would you? What would you undo?
On this week's episode, Kass and Steve ask the question: what is one thing you did that you wish you could take back? What is the first thing that comes to your mind? Maybe it was not taking the job or talking badly about someone you wish you hadn’t. Maybe you quit something that you wish you wouldn't have quit? All of these things are possible, and most people have had these experiences.
Kass and Steve ask each other the same question they ask the listeners, and they share their experiences with wishing they could take something back. Wishing you could turn back the clock and take an opportunity, or not involving themselves in a conversation that was hurtful for someone else.
If you can't take anything back, you can sometimes fix what you did. But it's also important not to live in the past. It's good to keep moving forward and realize that life is to be lived and everybody makes mistakes. Even Kass and Steve!
Follow along on Youtube to see exclusive behind the scenes footage and
pictures from Kass and Steve.

Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Say YES to Saying NO
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Wednesday Nov 13, 2019
Have you ever felt backed into a corner when it comes to saying Yes?
On today’s episode, Kass and Steve are talking about saying yes and saying no, and the power those two small words can hold. Saying yes all the time has the same benefits of saying no all the time, which aren’t a lot of benefits. Kass and Steve break it down and tell us why that is, and why it’s important to have boundaries.
Learning how to say yes at the right moment and learning how to say no at the right moment is going to serve a better purpose to you and the people in your life in the long run. It might be uncomfortable at first, but it will save you from over committing or being pressured into a situation you never wanted to be in the first place.
Having boundaries is ok. Saying yes is ok. Saying no is ok. Saying yes to
adventure when you don’t normally will give you life experience. Saying no to situations you know won’t make you happy in the long run is important too.
Follow along on Youtube to see exclusive behind the scenes footage and
pictures from Kass and Steve.

Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
Another Dinner with Kass & Steve
Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
Who doesn't like a good meal with friends? So, let’s sit down with Kass and Steve and chat!
On this episode, Kass and Steve are winding down their day with some dinner and friendly conversation. Showing us that even a casual dinner can lead to opening your heart and mind to new possibilities. And, it’s fun to hear about other peoples day right? Especially Kass and Steve!
Listen in as they talk about books they are reading, experiences they have had, how they can gage their happiness and more. Listening to others experiences about life can teach us a lot about perspective and our life and this episode is a great example of just that.
Grab yourself your favorite meal and tune in. It’ll feel like you’re sitting at the dinner table with your good friends.
Follow along on Youtube to see exclusive behind the scenes footage from Kass and Steve...Like them actually eating dinner.

Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
The Power of Want
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
In a world of instant gratification, how do we navigate this power of want?
Kass and Steve dive into this human thought process and how to handle it. Our world is full of scrolling these days, and when you see someone on that vacation, or losing weight, or all those swipe up links, it can be hard to stop yourself from getting instant gratification. The power of wanting what everyone else has can lead you to never feeling satisfied, or comparing yourself to everyone.
Looking at olympic athletes, musicians, surgeons, you will see that they worked for years and sacrificed so much to get to where they are today. You might look at them and say that they are overnight sensations, when really they have worked behind the scenes for years. Don’t compare your life to someone else’s highlight reel.
When you stop wanting everything instantly and start working for the things you want, you will be happier with your results. Figure out the process, avoid the endless swipe ups, and remember that comparison is the thief of joy.
Don’t forget! Kass and Steve have a YouTube channel! Tune in to watch them record their podcasts, and get in on the fun!

Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Perspectives on Life
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Do you have positive or negative perspectives?
Kass and Steve are talking about perspectives on life on today’s episode. You often hear people say that they are a negative person or a positive person when it comes to their outlook on life, but Kass and Steve are
here to tell you that it’s about your perspective, and how you can change your mindset.
Changing your perspective can make all the difference in how you see things or deal with situations in your day. It is that tiny shift that makes the biggest impact. You can look back on your life at the things that have happened, whether they were good or bad and with a perspective shift, you will realize that those have shaped you into the person you have become. Kass and Steve refer to events in their own life as a perfect example of this practice.
It can be beneficial to have different perspectives on life. There will be hard times and great times and shifting perspectives are beneficial for both circumstances.
Follow along on Kass and Steve’s YouTube channel!

Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
The 12 Most Beautiful Questions
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Kass and Steve discuss what are referred to as the twelve most beautiful questions ever asked. They can reveal your deepest desires, your truest friends, and your realest self.
Take some time to listen with a friend if possible. Pause after each question and answer honestly. You may think you already know the answers, but saying them out loud to yourself may surprise you.
Asking these questions to a friend may help you build a stronger more honest relationship with each other.

Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Teen Talk With Dayne Martin!
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
How do you talk to teens these days? Well, we have a teen who is answering questions today!
On this episode, Kass is sitting down with her oldest son, Dayne! A 15 year old teenager who is giving us an inside look into what teen life is like in 2019. And on the flip side, Kass is giving us a peek into what being a mom to a teenager is like. If you have teenagers, and are worried about how to communicate with them, this podcast is for you!
Kass asks Dayne all the questions parents shouldn’t be afraid to ask their teen. She asks about social media, girls, cliques, how cool of a mom she is, and more. Her biggest tip is instead of asking ’yes’ or ’no’ questions, switch to interesting questions instead. This will help drive conversations between parents and teens.
Kass reminds Dayne that she has never been a parent to a teenager before, and raising a child is a lot of pressure. Do you feel like that with your oldest? This podcast will help ease your minds and know that trying your best is all you have

Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Who are Your Clutch Friends?
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Who are your Clutch Friends? Are you familiar with that term?
Clutch friends are those five people in your life that you know will be there in a second. When life gets crazy, who do you call? In this episode, Kass and Steve talk about their clutch friends. They also talk about the friends they used to have that were not a good influence in their lives. They remind us that people can be draining, so find people who don’t drain your positive energy. Pick people who fill up your bucket!
It’s ok to ask your friends for help, and let your friends know that you’ll be there for them too. That's what coming in clutch means! Do you consider yourself a clutch friend?
Do you think Kass and Steve made each other’s lists? Only one way to find out... Press play!
Follow along on Youtube to see exclusive behind the scenes footage from Kass and Steve.