
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Quieting Your Internal, Insecure Voice
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
What’s getting in the way of your mental toughness? Your internal, insecure voice.
Insecurity doesn’t just tell us, “no you can’t” or “you shouldn’t.” Insecurity oftentimes causes us to highlight other people’s abilities or success and minimize or compare our own in a negative way.
This trap of insecurity we get stuck in can seriously deter and distract us from our own progress and fulfillment in life.
So how do we avoid the insecurity trap?
In this episode, Kass and Steve discuss the pitfalls of comparison and how to quiet and overcome your internal insecure voice.
We can learn how to celebrate and cheer on the success of others without it taking anything away from us.
In fact, doing so can actually inspire us and instill hope that there is success to be had! Other people have found success, happiness, and fulfillment so we can too!
This episode is all about shifting your mindset, focusing on your own journey, and leaving behind the distraction of comparison.
Being secure and confident is all about seeing the greatness in others AND the greatness within yourself.
The moment we stop comparing ourselves is the moment we are able to see how great we are actually doing.

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Learning to be “Healthy Selfish”
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
As humans, sometimes it feels selfish to set boundaries and put our own needs first. In reality, putting yourself first has nothing to do with, ‘I'm not thinking of anybody else.’ It has everything to do with ‘How do I make myself happy so that my relationships and life as a whole are healthy and fulfilling?’ It’s like they tell you before every flight takes off — you’ve got to put your own oxygen mask on first, before you can help someone else! This episode is all about learning how to be “healthy selfish,” because figuring out, communicating, and prioritizing your needs isn’t actually selfish! Boundaries make the world go round if you can learn how to speak up about yours and advocate for your needs and values. Whether it's a relationship, family, friends, or your job, learning to be “healthy selfish” will only bring good to you and the people around you. Kass and Steve talk about boundaries, speaking up for yourself, and why it is so important to ask for what you want in life. |

Monday Sep 20, 2021
How to Put in 5% More Effort and Get 95% More Results
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
If you don’t take care of the first dandelion that makes its way into your yard, pretty soon you’ll have a whole field of them, right?
You’ve got to nip it in the bud!
The same thing applies with a lot of difficulties, challenges, or even just tasks we’re presented with in our lives.
Whether it’s in your relationships, your job, or at home, we all have those things that sit in the back of our brain nagging away and causing us to worry and stress. Over time they get built up in our minds as this huge roadblock we have to overcome and it can be overwhelming.
In reality, most of these issues can be taken care of with 5% effort if we “nip it in the bud!” If we can learn to dedicate 5 minutes here and there as problems arise, they won’t become a 5 hour issue down the road!
In this episode, Kass and Steve talk about the difference that daily “5 minute miracles” can make in your life with their own personal examples and stories.
Really small shifts make a huge impact, you can change any day from crappy to happy within five minutes.

Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Awareness VS Fear
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Kass and Steve talk about how to deal with the fear of the unknown. And how to differentiate between fear, worry, and awareness. Fear can be paralyzing, when you don’t know from one thing or the other you tend to lean towards fear and worry. Worrying about what could happen is different than being aware of the things that could happen. Do you see the difference? Worrying paralyzes you, awareness educates you.
When you think about your fear, does the fear measure up to the possibility of that thing you are worried about happening? The solution to overcome the fear is a lot easier than living with the fear and worry. When trying to make yourself aware, you have to make sure that you don’t go down the rabbit hole of reading and listening to everybody so that it turns into worry and fear.
Kass and Steve talk about some of their fears they had growing up. Can you relate to any of these? We hope you get a good chuckle out of their fears just like they do!
Don’t forget! Kass and Steve have a YouTube channel! Tune in to watch them record their podcasts, and get in on the fun!
Get more information on www.thefunroad.com

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
How To Handle Your “Hot Buttons”
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
How do you wake up in the morning? Would you call yourself a morning person?
Kass and Steve are talking about how to handle your “Hot Buttons”. Hot Buttons can be described as something that triggers you into making you angry. Hot buttons are when you are overly sensitive about something and it is something that you yourself needs to work through. Recognizing that there are thing(s) that trigger you to anger can make you wonder if other people have those same hot buttons.
Kass and Steve talk about their own hot buttons, and how they are able to work through that emotion. They also talk about how hot buttons can vary; depending on your relationships, your work environment, etc. You might have a hot button with coworker, and a completely different one with a close friend.
Kass and Steve also talk about how to communicate with people who’s hot buttons have been triggered by something youhave said to them. Communication is key. Take the higher road, and be the person to diffuse the situation and squash the problem before it even gets to a breaking point

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Make Your Life Count
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Do you ever feel like taking control of your life is selfish?
On this episode Kass and Steve are talking about how making your life count may look selfish to others, but it is beneficial for you. Changing your mindset on how to be selfless for yourself can put your life into the direction you wanted. Are you afraid that you are in a box and you can’t get out of that box that society has put you in? Maybe you’re a stay-at-home mom who wants to work, or you want to change your career, or whatever it is you feel is holding you back, you can do it.
You need to give yourself the permission to be selfish for your own success. Kass and Steve talk about their own experiences with how being selfish with their own lives benefited them and others in the long run. It is imperative that you are selfish mentally, physically, and emotionally. That way, you can help others do the same when they need it.
Life is a road, it’s a journey of trying to find yourself and what you are meant to do. It’s time to make your life count!
Don’t forget you can catch them on their YouTube channel! See what they are really doing behind the scenes

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Turning Resolutions Into Results
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Are you the type of person that makes resolutions? Are you afraid that you will fail?
On today's episode, Kass and Steve are talking about turning your resolutions into results. Have you ever wondered why your resolutions aren’t sticking? When you make resolutions, do you come up with a game plan? Are you clear on what your steps are? Clarity comes from action, creating opportunity fires signals in your brain to look for new possibilities. This will open a doorway to success.
Whatever thing you are feeding in your soul, it will win. If you are telling yourself negative thoughts and why you won’t succeed at something, or if you are telling yourself that you shouldn’t start a resolution because you feel like you’ll fail, you will. Changing your mentality to a plan of action, and deciding to get things done is the way to success. Whether it’s waking up 30 minutes earlier, going to the gym, reading more books, etc. Whatever your resolution is, take action.
When you realize that resolutions take work, success takes work, and take ownership of that, your resolutions will turn into habits, and those habits turn into results.
Don’t forget you can catch them on their YouTube channel! See what they are really doing behind the scenes.

Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Addiction: You Can’t Always See It
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
When you hear the word Addiction, where does your mind go? Does it go to physical addiction? Kass and Steve are talking about addiction on today’s episode.
They are talking about the addictions you can’t see. Such as someone who is addicted to self loathing, or putting themself down. Or addicted to creating some sort of unnecessary drama in their life. Do you know someone like this? Maybe you are guilty of this type of behavior addiction yourself. And while they mention confidence a lot, today they are talking about how confidence is the keystone to everything else. It is the the thing that holds your success, friendships, careers together. Whatever your ambition is in life, confidence is the glue.
Kass and Steve talk about the time we spend thinking about the things that are bad about ourself, or thinking about all the things we don’t have. That inner dialogue is something that can be an addiction. The first step is admitting that you do it, and the next step is to work on it. Growing from it and getting better every day is what this Fun Road is all about.
Habits can turn into addictions. Snapping out of a bad attitude can create the habit of being positive, and then becoming addicted to the positive!
Kass and Steve have a YouTube Channel! Tune in to see what is happening live.

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Confidence is the Keystone
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Confidence is the Keystone to success. It is the glue that holds everything else together.
Kass and Steve talk about confidence in this podcast. And while they mention confidence a lot, today they are talking about how confidence is the keystone to everything else. It is the thing that holds your success, friendships, careers, whatever your ambition is in life, confidence is the glue.
Kass and Steve say that confidence over competence beats it every time, and they are here to share their stories of how confidence got them to where they are today. That doesn’t mean they haven’t failed, they have their share of failures. But, through maintaining confidence they have found success. Fear is going to hold you back. Fear of failure, too scared to try, you will always be heading down the same road.
Confidence is the moving force that pushes you in the successful direction.
Confidence takes practice. Just like riding a bike, it takes muscle memory. Being confident is not being arrogant. Kass and Steve talk about the differences of these two words as well.
Kass and Steve have a YouTube Channel! Tune in to see what is happening live.
Get more information on www.thefunroad.com

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
What is Beautiful to You?
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Let’s talk about Beauty. And no, we aren’t talking makeup and hair tips. We are talking REAL beauty.
Kass and Steve ask the question: what is beautiful to you? Usually when people ask you about beauty, you immediately think about appearance. But Kass and Steve are going deeper than that. Kass and Steve have traveled all over the world and know for a fact that there is beauty in all things. Cultures, music, people, places, foods, you name it and they can find the beauty in it.
Real beauty in a person is the light that shines from within you, it is the what comes from the inside and shows on the outside of someone. Being different from someone else is beautiful. Different cultures teach us things that are not familiar to us, and the unfamiliar can have power to show beauty to us.
Being unique is something that Kass and Steve have come to realize is what makes this world so beautiful. Try looking for the beauty in something you never thought of as beautiful, and you’ll be surprised at what you find.
Want to see what is happening live? Kass and Steve have a YouTube channel! Tune in to watch them record their podcasts, and get in on the fun!